Part Sixteen - Settlement of Accounts

After finally winning and destroying the evil that haunted them, the two could finally resume the happiness that was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of their enemies. For four years they lived there in complete peace. The son, Felipe, grew up extremely fast and became more and more identical to his father. But there was still a reckoning between Walquíria and the justice, for the crime committed against Damasio.

She had murdered her adoptive father, because she seriously detested assaulting her mother, which resulted in her death. Aluísio, a respected and efficient civil police investigator in the capital, had been investigating that unsolved crime for many years and tried to find the murderer so that she could be tried according to the law.

It was a hot summer afternoon, when the couple returned home from a quick survey of the farm, after learning that some buffaloes were suffering from some serious illness and a certain number of them were already dead, with th

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