Part Four - The New Friend

Like a true sex slave, when he saw that girl who was suffering and about to be sexually abused, he was moved. She felt the rebellion in her chest reignite that she thought she had overcome over the years and decided to help her escape from that den of prostitution, before it was too late. That same night, after making her presentation on stage, the singer fervently asked Noemia, who is responsible for managing the place, to allow her to meet the beautiful little girl she spotted in one of the rooms as she passed down the hall.

As he was someone important to the environment, he was not denied the request and was soon talking to the girl. Of course, the curious iron hand remained close to the two to keep abreast of the conversation. But Ruth was insistent that she leave him alone, claiming that no harm would do to the girl and that he was just wanting to give her a little attention, because he missed his daughter at the same age as someone who was distant and without seeing he

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