Part Eleven - Dangerous Passion

On some occasions the desire to see her again was so great that she even wanted to create situations that would allow her to return to the place where she met her just so that she could resume the conversation they had to interrupt during the first meeting. Antônio was a great friend of Mauricio, coming from a humble family, but faithful confidante, who always reserved most of his time to listen to his outbursts. Especially when dealing with the various problems arising from the bad relationship between him and his father, lover of bohemia and debauchery. United, the two friends devised a plan so that Mauricio could see the girl who had so impressed him.

 The best way was to have a big party at his house and invite Colonel Santiago. When he came, he would certainly bring his supposed niece and there would be a second chance to get to know her better. And so they did, since their father would have cared little for any festive event he did, as he loved these occasions to

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