Part Eighteen - The Kidnapping

  — Honey, I want to make you a proposal

  — Same? So, tell me soon, because you know how curious we women are!

  — Okay: What do you think about taking a trip to Paris to forget a little about all the tribulation we have been through these past months?

 — But what a great idea my love, you always with your big surprises. Yes, let's get out of this place a little bit and try to forget everything we've been through

 — That's right, without forgetting the trauma caused in Felipe with so many problems

 — It's true, our son needs to have a little peace

 — We all need this to overcome so much pain, I will be communicating our decision to our travel agent so that he can take the necessary measures as soon as possible.

 The couple took the last minutes before dusk to exchange caresses and catch a glimpse of the sunset over the waters of the river, which qu

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