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The major of the Brazilian Air Force, Roberto Farias, before a simple young man grown up in the Baixada Fluminense, who worked in a newsstand to guarantee the support of his mother and younger brothers, because he did not want to follow the example of other young people of his age, going to serve the traffic predominant in the favelas of Rio. And he was not addicted to drugs, but to read the police news in the morning newspaper, which simply captured the attention of the beautiful Lana. He was forced to commit several errors and crimes in order to survive misery, persecution and prejudice. He turned around and now, as a man from the Rio social elite, he enters one of the most important churches in the city.

 The one chosen by Marta, who wanted the best for her only daughter's wedding day and, of course, to impress society in Rio de Janeiro. Baroque details abound in the church of St. Francis of Penance, where the ceremony took place. Much of it carved in cedar by Franci

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