Chapter 8-1

Asher didn't understand what had happened, his wolf had taken control of his body and he had no way to stop it. This hadn't happened since he was an inexperienced lycan who could barely control his own turn.

He was thankful that his Beta had interrupted, otherwise he would have marked her. He had every intention of biting her and making her his.

But the worst thing, the thing he was most ashamed of, was that he knew exactly what his wolf was going to do and he didn't try to stop it. He gave up, not wanting to fight the scent of that woman that seemed to engulf him to the point of leaving him without willpower.

"What do you want, Alaric?! "He growled as he stood in front of the door, stopping his Beta's advance.

He hoped that the witch had the sense to pull her clothes together and get down from the desk. He didn't want anyone to know what was about to happen in this room.

His Beta squinted and tried to peer into his office, but Asher had positioned his body in front of him to prevent
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