Chapter 7

Asher resisted the urge to glance back and witness Emma's face etched with terror. Anger surged within him, directed both at himself and his wolf. Briefly, as he saw her pleading expression, a flicker of compassion arose, almost compelling him to offer solace. If it weren't for his fiancée's menacing growls, he might have done something irrational and embraced her. Hugging a witch? Absolutely not!

But what if she wasn't a witch? Asher couldn't get the thought out of his head. The newcomers to the town seemed to be just two ordinary, frightened people, but there was something off about them. Though this was a subjective assessment, it was his first encounter with humans. Maybe they all had that strange scent and he just hadn't recognized it.

The thought that they might be innocent people who had stumbled upon the village troubled his thoughts, but he quickly dismissed it. That was impossible, no one could enter or leave Silvershade Summit, especially not humans. As soon as they arrived
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