Dizem que o amor é cego, e eu realmente achava que era, mas além disso, ele é surdo e mudo, quando nos apaixonamos por alguém, muitas vezes não nos importamos com o que a pessoa faz ou fala. Mas um dia eu voltei para a realidade, eu tinha voltado a consciência, para salvar minha própria vida.
Ler maisEsta historia comienza exactamente hace 13 años, cuando yo solo tenía 7 años y la casa contigua a la mía estaba ocupada por una pareja y sus hijos, al principio fue difícil, después de todo eran completos extraños y mis padres simplemente decidieron que todos los fines de semana cenábamos todos juntos, porque según mi mamá, teníamos que ser solidarios e integrarlos a nuestro barrio.Pasaron unos años y se mudaron a California, y nunca volví a saber de ellos ... hasta ahora.-Pero eras tan chiquita, ¿cómo te acuerdas de todo eso? - Lygia, me pregunta mi suegra después de que le dije conocíaque los-Realmente no los conozco Sra. Matteo- respondo mirando la tetera que fue colocada sobre la mesa por Gra
-For me it's great, I just have it I want to pick up some things at home, do I need to take something to the party? - I ask as I take my cell phone.“Just get a drink,” Lexy says. “Then see you later, kisses,” he says as he walks away with Sophie.I walk through the exit door, reaching the college yard, walk towards the huge gate to finally leave.As soon as I walk through the gate, I see Will's flashy red motorcycle approaching, then he stops in front of me and hands me a helmet.-Will, what are you doing here? - I ask a little surprised."I thought you'd probably need a ride home, so I decided to come" he says while smiling. "Get up there" he says and adjusts his helmet.
I approach the same and kiss him, the only certainty I have is that it was on top and that I really wanted to do it, he pulls me into his lap and our bodies are glued to each other.His hands run down my back and then he takes off the jacket I was wearing, we break from the kiss for lack of air and stare at each other for a few moments.I feel my body temperature rise and my breathing was already accelerated, he looks at me with compassion and then speaks.-Do you want to continue with this Cristina?- he asks sweetly.He was so different from the other guys I've met, even though I've advanced, he wanted to confirm that it was what I wanted.I shake my head in the affirmative an
I knew that look and I knew that at some point I would hear a lot of complaints.I probably made a scared face because soon my mother-in-law was already saying something to reassure me.-Don't worry my dear, there's no problem. There's more in the closet, isn't it? Did you get hurt? - she asks and approaches me.There was a small cut near where the Maison's handprint was and I realize my mother-in-law saw it but didn't say anything about it.-Go and wash it while I sweep up those pieces- Lygia says and I obey her.I walk calmly to the bathroom and look at the small cut to see if there is any piece of ceramic on my skin, wash the small wound and put a bandage on it.When I leave th
-You can now open your eyes, it's alright- this familiar voice calms down and soon I open my eyes facing my father.I throw myself on top of him hugging him while some tears run down my face, I feel his lips touch my forehead in a tender kiss.I pull away from the hug and look over to the side where Carteer was, see him getting up off the floor with a black eye.“Mister Garcia, it wasn't at all what you were thinking,” Carteer says awkwardly.-I know damn well what I saw, boy- my dad says as he looks at Carteer with disgust -And I think you'd better leave so I don't have to do something worse- he says and steps forward as if threaten Carteer.Carteer turns and starts walking, but before he's out of our sight, my d
My LoveOnlineWho?Cristina, why don't you answer?Your father Maison, your father was at the motelViewed at 6:20Do you think your mother was watching?Viewed at 6:20I hope not, it would be horrible for her.I need to get off my cell, they're calling me for another meeting.Kisses.━━━━━━━ &
I couldn't remember Will again, I had who forgets him, but how would I if he was now my neighbor?How could I forget those beautiful gray blue eyes? And your soft hand caressing the skin of my face?It was impossible to forget him, but I had to, for the sake of my relationship.The week passed without any extraordinary events, which helped to make everything calm again.It was already Friday night and Maison and I were deciding what would be good for our country."Your mother loves peppermint tea, we could serve that," I suggest as I pull a pot of tea out of the cupboard.The teapot looked like it had just come out of the store, we haven't used it since we got it from the Maison c
When I open my eyes I see who was blocking the sunlight coming towards me, it was Carteer and he was looking at me strangely-Carteer? can I help you in any way? - I ask breaking the awkward silence -I learned that the Maison has traveled, that you took a break and that he is taking advantage of all the Brazilian women who give him a soft spot - he tells me while still staring at meWhat is he says about the Maison at the end breaks my heart into little pieces, but I try hard not to express it.-And I came to say that I'm here for you, if you want a friendly shoulder or something more- he says and approaches meHis look was different, his eyes were darker than normal and I alr