7 chapters
Chapter 1 - The End of a Dream
That could have been one of many other nights when the Castelo Forte church would meet to hear the praises sung by the choirs of young people, children, teenagers and ladies who celebrated the name of the God of the whole earth on Sundays, and then would be guided concerning the Holy Scriptures, through the pleasant sermon of your pastor. However, on that occasion something very sad awaited those present, the departure of his guide and his spiritual death, when he was finally overcome by the envy and persecution of his enemies. “My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like to once again be reunited with you just to worship the name of our God together, and finally to rejoice in the certainty of the salvation we have received from him. However, it is with regret and deep sadness in my soul that I address you to announce my farewell to this temple and to live with this beloved church. Where one day I was converted by the gospel and confessed to the Lord Jesu
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Chapter 2 - The Pain Principle
That is why everyone who tried to reach out to him heard the same words full of hatred and revolt. That man's heart was filled with anger and nothing seemed to be able to heal the wounds that came from the disappointment of being betrayed by people to whom he had dedicated part of his life. Carlos França was a great spiritual leader, he converted to the gospel and from an early age learned to have compassion for the pain of others. He was always among those who tried to help others, reading the gospels and knowing the mission of Jesus Christ, he decided to follow his example. Deep knowledge of the Scriptures, he studied until the last level of theology, in order to learn and teach them to his church. A worthy worker, the husband of one woman, and who handled the Word of truth well, as the apostle Paul demanded in his letter written to his disciple Timothy. But, now he wondered what the dedication was for, what resulted in such effort? He was criticized by the rest of his min
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Chapter 3 - On the Paths of Death
However, he faithfully followed all his advice and even so he could not count on his help, when he needed it most. Disappointment, especially in this case, kills any sign of confidence we have in anyone or anything. Jesus Christ left it written in his gospel that he would never allow the gates of hell to prevail over his church, both in the present and in the future. However, that was not what the dedicated pastor witnessed in practice. He was forgotten on the battlefield, abandoned by his general while fighting his worst fight. The greatest tragedy for the human soul is to completely lose confidence in its Creator, as this condition signifies its spiritual death. The permanent withdrawal from God will lead man to a deep and irreversible darkness, the more he distances himself, the less the chances of avoiding eternal condemnation. Carlos França considered himself more than a failure, he saw himself as a son betrayed by his father who before imagined him as a loving and prot
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Chapter 4 - The Beginning
The sadness that took over the new friends conquered by Leopoldo in such a short time was intense, the church in force mourned the death of the brother that brought so much joy to the community, the young people. Children and teenagers with whom he played several times on the streets and told them his funny stories regretted his departure. Carlos remained unhappy for several weeks. Until he remembered the advice left by his friend and decided to move on. She thought about the short amount of joy he had before he left and how little he could enjoy. He looked around and watched his two sons, struggling to see him react and get up, out of the pit of defeat he was in and made the decision to turn the page, in the name of the friend who left, the family that it still remained and by itself. That night he chose to visit the bar “My singing”, located on Independence Avenue. An area surrounded by shops and warehouses, in addition to a huge open market, very busy and attracts m
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Chapter 5 - Inheritance
It was for a long time a source of scorn and mockery for his opponents. But by divine mercy it rose again like the trunk of a cut and forgotten tree, which, even when aged, sprouts its branches and in them, after spreading in various directions, the birds sing and make nests, feeding on its fruits and snuggling under the shadow that takes hold of them. Carlos was a true miracle, since he was raised from the dead of spirit, he would serve again the purposes of Heavenly Father. To rescue his children who were still lost in the darkness that the evil one created and imprisoned them, through sin. That out of ignorance they practiced without having anyone to reveal the truth to them, the sun of hope would return to shine, the prisoners would be released and would worship their Creator. He who was anxiously awaiting you to say to them: "Come, blessed of my Father, into the kingdom that has been built for you since the foundation of the earth. While Carlos continued the dream of fa
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Chapter 6 - The Victory
The declared enemies of Pastor Carlos França and opponents of his renowned ministry did not conform to that immense progress and popular recognition, so much that for years they did everything to prevent his rise in front of Christians who were increasingly eager for knowledge about the Holy Scriptures, the that he provided them free of charge, and through divine intervention they were unsuccessful. What they watched from the box was their growing growth and their spiritual light shining through the darkness of envy and persecution as they never thought possible. The old popular adage that it is necessary to have a great woman beside a great man was notorious in the perfect union between the old alcoholic and his wife. Who knew him still in the gutter and helped him to rise from the fall suffered during the persecution of those who for so long saw the radiance of his victory. Biting her nails with disquiet when she realized that there was nothing they could do
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Final Part
The work was completed in just ninety days, a record term that was already his trademark. The publisher wasted no time in making a cocktail at one of the most important bookstores in the city and distributed it throughout the country. The sales, as expected, were a great success, it awakened in the heart of the church and the general public to be able to hear his preaching again. And he was invited to be one of the official preachers in a great evangelical crusade that would take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro. And, to everyone's relief, he was accepted by Pastor Carlos França, who intended to report a little of his beautiful story and to say goodbye if everyone who admired him. That evening's preaching was duly prepared to deeply touch the hearts of the listeners who passed three thousand people in the largest sports gym in the capital of Rio. His words echoed in the closed environment and everyone listened to him very carefully: "Dear brothers and listen
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