Chapter 80

"Where are you, Spider?” Shadow asked, sitting opposite to Blake Turner in a luxury restaurant. “How long will it take for you to reach the said location?”

“Aw…my darling, Shadow, do you miss me that much?” Spider responded from the other side of the call. “It seems like you can’t bear to wait a second more to meet me. Do you miss me that badly?”

“Cut the bullshit.” Shadow rolled her eyes while Blake keenly observed her facial expressions. “Do you even know how long we are waiting here? It has been almost 2 hours.’

“Aw…my baby has been waiting for that long?” Spider’s voice sounded like a teenage girl fangirling over her favourite idol. “You love me that much?”

The voice from the other side of the call was so loud that Blake could hear her. He chuckled, listening to their banter. Shadow glanced at Blake who seemed to enjoy the situation. He signalled her with his eyes to answer instead of gazing at him.

“My darling Spider, I swear if you spout nonsense again, I’ll make sure to bury
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