Chapter 1789
Justin smiled, but his gaze was menacing. "Phoenix, your charms really are boundless. You managed to turn a hothead into a loyal dog!" They were both men, and although they were around ten years apart, Justin could tell that Jeffrey had feelings for Renee. He felt jealous, but also marveled at Renee's charms—he had such a diverse group of competitors! Not only did he have to compete against an exceptional man like Stefan, but he also had to fight against a youth like Jeffrey… How exhausting!

"Cut the crap! Jeffrey is just a boy," Renee growled weakly from where she lay in bed. Justin was so weird, thinking that way about a boy. What a scoundrel! Renee wished he hadn't been the one to find her.

Jeffrey's face flushed in embarrassment, and he mumbled awkwardly, "Ah, so you both know each other. Umm... I'll give you both some privacy then." Hurriedly, he left the ward. He knew that Renee was way out of his league, so even spending these few days with her felt like winning the lottery. T
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