Chapter 2934
Once the Southern Boss was near, the Western Boss smiled and let go of Rodney. "Southern Boss, I've rescued your son for you. I've fulfilled my promise!"

He led the Fermers here with the Southern Boss to ambush the Thompsons and rescue Rodney.

To his pleasant surprise, things went far smoother than he imagined and he managed to rescue Rodney without much effort.

This worked perfectly to his advantage as he could avoid attacking, which may lead to casualty amongst the Fermers.

"Western Boss, thank you!" The Southern Boss was overjoyed.

"Great! I'm finally saved." Rodney was excited as well.

He was terrified every single day he was a prisoner of the Thompsons. Now that he was finally free, he was relieved.

"Rodney, are you alright? You must've suffered a lot," The Southern Boss turned to his son and felt guilty when he saw how tormented Rodney looked.

"I'm fine, but the Thompsons have been torturing and humiliating me. Dad, you have to avenge me!" Rodney suppressed his ex
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