Dominik had already cleaned up, he was already in his pajamas and they knocked on his door, he went to open it, finding the twins standing together there

"Hi Dominik" they both said.

Hello, is something wrong?!

-Dominik, we wanted to ask you if you want to watch a movie with us before you sleep!

-A movie? Where? I didn't see a TV or player in the living room

"Not in the living room, in your room" Alice said.

"I don't watch any TV here either," Dominic said.

-Look, here is the TV, the Blu Ray and here is the collection of movies

Dominik saw the stored movies were hundreds of them, but the girls took out a few to choose one among them.

They closed the door and sat down to choose one and it was a comedy one, they did it so that I would not be sad

They put on the movie and when it started, they lay down on the carpet, the pillows on their heads and Dominik lying in the middle and the two of them on one side of him with their respective pillows.

The movie began, they were watching her, som
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