Chapter 3156
Nevertheless, the blood relation between Caroline and Belinda could not be erased.

If Belinda had indeed murdered Tiara, Caroline would be an enemy to Serenity and the rest.

After a short silence, Liberty asked, “Where’s Sonny?”

“He’s drawing now. He was practicing on the piano for a while just now when we got home.”

“No homework?”

Serenity smiled. “No. Even if he does, he can finish it within a minute. He simply needs to draw with a pencil. At his age, having fun at school is the main priority.”

Learning how to write was a task they assigned to Sonny.

Although most children were having fun in school, those enrolled in Wiltspoon’s most expensive and best preschool were from wealthy or influential families. They would succeed their families in the future, so tutors were hired by their families to educate them separately.

Quite a number of Sonny’s classmates could recognize many words.

Despite their young age, they were brimming with talent.

Not wanting Sonny to lag behin
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