Two weeks later

Two weeks passed since Sophia sent me out of the private hospital. Although I went several times to her brothers' house; every time I knew I was at one of them, I went there, but she did not want to receive me, she refused to have any kind of contact with me.

For my part, I had begun to have a friendship with his parents because his siblings practically did not tolerate me; I sent several documents with my lawyers where I ceded all the shares to his parents, the house, the farm and all the properties that had been theirs, at first, they did not want to accept the goods backing fact, they had given me a resounding no, until I managed to convince them.

From Sophia, I only knew that she started dating Dante and I couldn't do anything to avoid it. I called Liuggi, but he didn't want to talk to me either, and I was practically fighting alone to get her back, but there wasn't much I could do because how do you conquer someone you don't see? I sent flowers, details and when I
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